Aashiq Aawara hoi gelo re Lyrics |आशिक आवारा होई गेलो रे|Old Nagpuri Song

Song : Aashiq Aawara hoi gelo re (आशिक आवारा होई गेलो रे)

Album : Aashiq Aawara

Singer : Bashir Ansari,Vishnu,Pritam And Mitali Ghose

Aashiq Aawara hoi gelo re (आशिक आवारा होई गेलो रे) lyrics in hindi

आशिक आवारा होई गेलो रे
आशिक आवारा होई गेलो रे
दइया रे दइया मोय तो माइत गेलो रे
दइया रे दइया मोय तो माइत गेलो रे

आशिक आवारा होई गेलो रे
आशिक आवारा होई गेलो रे
दइया रे दइया मोय तो माइत गेलो रे
दइया रे दइया मोय तो माइत गेलो रे

तोर जुदाई में कटे नहीं पल
दिल में उठे ला रे मोके हलचल
तोर जुदाई में कटे नहीं पल
दिल में उठे ला रे मोके हलचल

पागल दीवाना बनाय देले रे
पागल दीवाना बनाय देले रे
दइया रे दइया मोय तो माइत गेलो रे
दइया रे दइया मोय तो माइत गेलो रे

जनमो जनम तोके मांगे ला दिल
का जोग देले मोके भेलै मुश्किल
जनमो जनम तोके मांगे ला दिलो
का जोग देले मोके भेलै मुश्किल

प्रेमी मजनू होई गेलो रे
प्रेमी मजनू होई गेलो रे
दइया रे दइया मोय तो माइत गेलो रे
हाय रे दइया मोय तो माइत गेलो रे

आशिक आवारा होई गेलो रे
आशिक आवारा होई गेलो रे
दइया रे दइया मोय तो माइत गेलो रे
हाय रे दइया मोय तो माइत गेलो रे

दइया रे दइया मोय तो माइत गेलो रे
हाय रे दइया मोय तो माइत गेलो रे

Aashiq Aawara hoi gelo re (आशिक आवारा होई गेलो रे) lyrics in English

Ashiq aawara hoi gelo re
Ashiq aawara hoi gelo re
Daiya re daiya moy to mait gelo re
Daiya re daiya moy to mait gelo re

Ashiq aawara hoi gelo re
Ashiq aawara hoi gelo re
Daiya re daiya moy to mait gelo re
Daiya re daiya moy to mait gelo re

Tor judai me bite nahi pal
Dil me uthe la re Moke halchal
Tor judai me bite nahi pal
Dil me uthe la re Moke halchal

Pagal deewana banay dele re
Pagal deewana banay dele re
Daiya re daiya moy to mait gelo re
Daiya re daiya moy to mait gelo re

Janamo janam toke maange la dil
Ka jog dele moke bhele mushkil
Janamo janam toke maange la dil
Ka jog dele moke bhele mushkil

Premi majnu hoi gelo re
Premi majnu hoi gelo re
Daiya re daiya moy to mait gelo re
Hay re daiya moy to mait gelo re

Ashiq aawara hoi gelo re
Ashiq aawara hoi gelo re
Daiya re daiya moy to mait gelo re
Hay re daiya moy to mait gelo re

Daiya re daiya moy to mait gelo re
Hay re daiya moy to mait gelo re

This is the end of Aashiq Aawara hoi gelo re Song Lyrics. if you find any mistake then let us known by filing the contact us form with correct Lyrics.

Aashiq Aawara hoi gelo re– FAQS

The song “Aashiq Aawara hoi gelo re” is in which Language ?


What is the theme of the song “Aashiq Aawara hoi gelo re”?

This is basically a love song in which a boy expresses his love love for the girl that how mad he is for her.

Which Album Aashiq Aawara hoi gelo re belong to ?


Who sung the Aashiq Aawara hoi gelo re song?

Bashir Ansari,Vishnu,Pritam And Mitali Ghose

Who have given music to”Aashiq Aawara hoi gelo re” ?


Who Written the Aashiq Aawara hoi gelo re song?


Which Actor/Actress is Starring/featuring Aashiq Aawara hoi gelo re song?


Which Music Company is released Aashiq Aawara hoi gelo re song?


If you want to share more details about this song please let us know by filling the contact form or by a comment in the comment box.

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